Write the Right Way for the Bar Exam

So, you're taking a Bar prep course. You're studying the law. And you're scoring 50s and 55s on your practice essays.

It's frustrating to get those graded practice exams back with the word "ANALYSIS!" written or typed next to what you were pretty sure was analysis! Like, what the hell is "analysis" supposed to mean, and why didn't the grader explain further? After all, you're paying extra for all of this.

This is where I'm hoping I can help.

After years of helping people pass the Bar, I've finally put it all in one place via my course, The Essay-Writing Formula. 

All of my tips for writing better Bar essays are in here. This includes everything that I wish I would have known back when I was studying for the Bar. I even paid one tutor thousands of dollars for near to nothing; it was beyond maddening.

In this course, I teach Bar candidates how to put it all together because knowing the law is only the first step. You have to know how to write for the Bar examiners, so you need an insider's perspective.

I have this course at an introductory price because I want to get those reviews going. :)

You can find the course here: https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-pass-the-bar-exam-the-essay-writing-formula/, and I hope that this gives you some peace of mind!

Please feel free to reach out with any questions: jessie@jessiezaylia.com. 

Until next time...
