Networking: Casting Your Net

This is one thing that seems to really intimidate law students, especially the new ones. I also happen to know many attorneys who just don't know how to network. We're seldom taught how to do this and why it's crucial to our careers. I suppose there are two questions that I should address here: (1) how much time should one devote to networking? and (2) how does one network, precisely? But before we jump into all that, there are some things you should know.


Networking is important because attorneys are more experienced than you are. It's true.  

If you connect with a few who think that you're awesome, you will inevitably meet them for coffee or lunch every so often. Then, when you have a tough decision to make down the road, you can call these people (who are now friends) and receive their invaluable pearls of wisdom.

As a bonus, one of these people (now a friend of mine) did offer me a job right before I graduated. It was just because we got along so well and had sloooooowly built a professionally based relationship. He saw how I articulated myself because I was on certain committees with attorneys while I was in law school.  How did I get on these committees? Simple. I went to the County Bar Association and just asked if they needed any student volunteers. Wouldn't you know it, they did.

This is also a big part of networking: you must go to it. You must take initiative. Do not expect things to land in your lap. Maybe it's my age, but I've noticed that a lot of the law students who went straight through school seem to have a sense of entitlement, and they act as though others should feel privileged to know them. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care if you're in the bottom 10% of the class or the top 2%; you should always approach others with a sense of humility. Further, you must take initiative if you want opportunities.


  • Your own business cards. I found out through my law school career services office that our law school could make us some business cards for a nominal fee. Make sure, regardless, that these look simple and not flashy or artsy. You want to make sure that at least the back of the card is not glossy so that any attorneys who take your card can write on the back of it if they want to.
  • A working pen. If you can spare it, bring your nicest pen. I ALWAYS wrote two things on the back of every business card that I got: the event where I met that person and the date of the event. Maybe if there was something nuanced about our conversation, I would write that on the back later. The fact is that you're simply not going to remember the details of every conversation with every attorney from whom you get a card.
  • A suit. Seriously, dress professionally. Do your hair. Personally, I never wore a black suit, though, because every other law student at whatever event usually wore a black suit. I wanted to stand out, but not in a bad way. Hence, I typically opted for a charcoal grey suit, but that's just me.


Here's a word to the wise about what networking is NOT. Networking is not supposed to be a thinly veiled plea for a job hook-up. I think that going into it with that kind of attitude is not only the wrong way of looking at it but, worse, it is something that attorneys can smell a mile away. If they can tell that this is the only reason you're talking to them, they will not give you a business card; they will not give you the time of day, particularly after the event. You will be the plague.

Also, never ask for a business card. If they want you to have one, they will give it to you. Likewise, never force your card on them. If they want one, have it ready, but do not ask them to take one preemptively. Let the attorneys take the lead on this. This is similar to attorneys never asking their clients for direct business; they let the clients take the lead while attempting to charm the clients.

Now, to those questions:

(1) How Much Time Should I Devote to Networking?

Like many things in law and life, there is no one, clear answer to this. Personally, I tended to devote quite a bit of my time participating in networking while in law school. By "quite a bit," I mean that I attended at least the monthly mixer at the local County Bar Association (the San Diego County Bar Association was my hub). I got to know many attorneys there with whom I still keep in contact.

I also went to other mixers that were held at the law school. I found these opportunities invaluable. Of course, you won't stay in touch with most people that you meet, but it would be smart to stay in touch with at least some of them.

(2) How Do I Network?

Well, I'm imagining that a lot of people would give different advice on this front. But this is my blog, so I'll just tell you my perspective. :P

I am going to let you in on a little secret. Probably the last thing that attorneys want to talk about when they are at a networking event involving students is the law. This is probably especially so because law students often act like they know everything in a (feeble) attempt to impress attorneys.

I think that the best way to network is to let your personality shine through. If you don't have a personality, rent one for the evening. Honestly, I got more business cards handed to me by talking about dogs and chocolate than by talking about anything else. People loved it because those are two subjects that I am very, VERY passionate about. My passion and, hence, my personality shined through. People dig that, and I got a lot of business cards that way.

Interestingly, after discussing (you guessed it) dogs and chocolate at a networking event with one IP attorney, he told me that he hoped I would be the first woman president. Can I get an "Awwwww..."? And note that I did not discuss the law with that person even one bit.


This, again, will be one of those things that sets you apart. When I found an attorney who gave me his/her card with whom I felt a real connection, I always, always, always wrote him/her a handwritten thank-you card. There is something to be said for this.  Any thank-you card at all says that you're appreciative, you do not have a sense of entitlement that so many others tend to have, and you are thoughtful enough to send the card. The handwritten part goes the extra mile because handwriting adds a far more personal touch than typewriting. Of course, if your handwriting is awful, opt for typewriting. :P

Whenever I receive any thank-you cards, the person who sent it automatically becomes special to me, and I'm willing to spend lots (read: too much) time helping them out with advice and what not.

So, that's my take on networking.  I hope that you find it useful. :)  Until next time...


  1. Really great post, Ms. Zaylia. Can I use this for educational purposes??? Lizzette*

  2. Jessie - thank you for taking the time to post your experiences and recommendations (what has worked for you). I periodically check your blog and was happy to find your current posts. I joined the North County Bar Association in San Diego County as a Law Student Member but have not started participating in any volunteering. I will not be taking the CBX until 2015 but your blog is preparing me. Thank you. Bev

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. :) I wish you the best!

  3. Wow, I am sitting here with a bunch of business cards I received several months ago trying to remember details about the lawyers...and failing miserably. I wish I had read your tip of writing details on the back of business cards. Consider me a new fan of your blog!


  4. Thanks for the business card tips! I am staring at several business cards and cannot for the life of me remember how/when I got them. Consider me a new fan of your blog!



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